What is Hot Stone Massage?

Hot Stone Massage is a technique which uses heated basalt stones and oil to massage the muscles and fascial tissues of the body.  Basalt stones are smooth and have the capacity to retain heat for a long period of time.  While the heat from the stones is first of all calming, it also allows for deep penetration and consequently, encourages deep relaxation.

A widely accepted belief is that hot stones have been used for therapeutic purposes for thousands of years.  Native Americans, for example, would heat up rocks on a fire and place them on the body for healing purposes.  Native groups which settled in Arizona are credited with popularizing this alternative form of healing massage for modern times.

What are the Benefits?

Hot Stone Massage provides relief from pain and discomfort associated with general muscle aches and some chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. It also decreases pain associated with muscle spasms and injuries. In addition, it increases flexibility in the joints, allowing for improved function and mobility. Another benefit is that it stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic systems, improving detoxification of the body and calms the central nervous system. Furthermore, it helps reduce the chronic stress caused by muscle sprains, spasms and stiff joints.  As a result of all these benefits, it creates space for the body to improve it’s self-healing capacity.

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